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Mistral 3.5

Here she is.
All grown up, faster easyer and even more balanced as before!
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Mistral 3.3 become Mistral 3.5
Mistral 3.3 was released in October 2021.
In those 3 racing years this model was campaigned in tons of races.
From “club” races to “IFMAR” Worlds, proven to be a formidable racing model anywhere.
Warm-up Worlds winner, A-main finalist at the Worlds, Italian National Champ, Dutch National Champ.
During the last year, we work closely with our drivers, trying a way to further improve our Mistral 3.3
Pleased to inform that Mistral 3.5 is nearly here.
New main chassis
New IDFM Front End
New subframe
New side “wings”
New shock holder
New titanium kingpin
Keep in touch….
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